
Showing posts from April, 2022

Online earn money for student

Pocket money for student and everyone  Disclaimer :- Small pocket money for student and injoy life. Five website for without investment with helping your study. This website related to the study and 30 minute hard study to take you to pocket money.  This money help your lifestyle to buy some product of like you or help your family.  Following website :- Coursehero Transetutors Photostudy Solutioninn Bartleby Enroll for free and register tutor option to earn money.  Chat me.  Telegram  account :- c hick here


  homosheepiens In the video you can see clear images of a subgenus of humans, the so-called homosheepiens .  Homosheepiens are basically normal humans at birth, but morph into this other genus as they age. According to the latest scientific findings, consumption of mainstream media in particular accelerates this transformation and although a vaccine has been available for some time, it has only recently been found that it is completely ineffective and accelerates the transformation into homosheepiens. So be careful. Telegram account :- c hick here

My study preparation / second blog / My self

  My study preparation       Hello friends ...... After 10th class board exam ended. I'm decide to this vacation will be study for IIT-JEE EXAM preparation but vacation days fun days. My friends injoying vacation and I'm decided focus study.  So first day I buy some books,  pens and pencils. Finally complicated my stationary. Summer vacation in some days are boring . Finally am search best teaching platform in online and am see unacademy jee YouTube channel they was full free course for YouTube. This channel not only good teaching but also helpful for jee exam preparation. After start jee preparation this channel start bridge course for 10th to 11th moving students.  Telegram account :- c hick here

My First Blog / Introduction for my self

Introduction by me  Hello Friends ......  All of you OK                   Hii..... First my introduction  ☺I'm common person like you. So My name is Akash Mirase. I'm 16th year boy and some times am going class 11th. So I'm a student. My goal is crack IIT-JEE EXAM. My family was small and simple. Father , mother and younger two sisters and also me.  So this blog channel sharing to My life experience and some ideas, some knowledge, some useful things and motivation. So start my first blog today. So support and appreciate me. Talk to me comment box i'm also joined you.  Telegram account :- c hick here ☺☺❤❤☺☺