The High-Skilled Workers

The High-Skilled Workers


Brynjolfsson and McAfee call the group personified by Nate Silver the “high-skilled”workers. Advances such as robotics and voice recognition are automating many low-

skilled positions, but as these economists emphasize, “other technologies like data

visualization, analytics, high speed communications, and rapid prototyping have

augmented the contributions of more abstract and data-driven reasoning, increasing the

values of these jobs.” In other words, those with the oracular ability to work with and

tease valuable results out of increasingly complex machines will thrive. Tyler Cowen

summarizes this reality more bluntly: “The key question will be: are you good at

working with intelligent machines or not?”

Nate Silver, of course, with his comfort in feeding data into large databases, then

siphoning it out into his mysterious Monte Carlo simulations, is the epitome of the

high-skilled worker. Intelligent machines are not an obstacle to Silver’s success, but

instead provide its precondition.


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