12 tips for improve your self-confidence / How to develop self-confidence
12 things to improve your self-confidence.
Our life most important thing is self-confidence because self-confidence from facing the world
1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
By playing the comparison game, you will often find yourself losing - there will always be people who will be better at something than you.
2.How to develop self-confidence Stop criticizing yourself.
Some people have a habit of constantly blaming themselves. This fosters a negative perception of yourself.
3. Forgive and Forget.
Don't waste your time and energy thinking about your past mistakes. Forgive yourself and move on.
4. Talk to positive, confident people.
A self-confident person loves himself, and extends his love to those around him: this is support for them. Try to communicate with optimistic people.
5. Immerse yourself in what you love.
Your self-esteem is unshakable when you do what you love, because if you love doing it, you're good at it.
6. Be true to yourself.
Live your own life. If you follow the imposed ideals of others, you can never respect yourself.
7. Speak with firmness and confidence.
Don't throw words to the wind, don't answer sharply, don't ingratiate yourself, speak calmly and confidently.
8.How to develop self-confidence Make a list of your achievements.
Try to make it as long as possible. And hang it in a prominent place.
9. Make a list of your positive qualities.
Everyone has unique characteristics and abilities. Honesty, unselfishness, erudition, kindness. Look at this list often, focus on your positive attributes.
10. Wipe yourself away.
Sometimes the problem isn't as real as you think it is. It's just that your thinking about it brings it to the size of a disaster.
11. Use your weaknesses to your advantage.
Don't punish yourself for your shortcomings-we all have them. Turn your stubbornness into determination, your curiosity into curiosity.
12. Rediscover yourself.
Sometimes you just need to rediscover yourself. Love yourself - your smile, your character, your personality.
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