English articles

English articles you must know. 

Two types of article 

1. Indefinite articles

'a/an' are called indefinite articles because they do not denote something in particular . They are used when you want to be more general about things. 

When to use A and when to use An? 

'a' is used before consonants sounds like  a hat, a united front. 
'an' is used before vowels and vowels sounds like an elephant, an hour. 

2. Definite article 

'The' is called definite article because it refers to something definite in particular. 

When to use !The' ? 

We used 'The'  when we are talking about something specific. like I am reading the book , that you gave me last week. 

Where should we not use 'The' ?

1. Streets 
2. Mountains 
3. Continents 
4. Islands
5. Novels etc. 

Where can 'The' be use?

1. Rivers 
2. Oceans 
3. Direction
4. Deserts 


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